All Classes and Interfaces

HTTP of TurnSNServer.
Return results of Turing ES response.
The persistent class for the TurAemConfigVar database table.
Turing Server Credentials.
Sample code to use this SDK.
Client Utils
The persistent class for the TurConfigVar database table.
The persistent class for the TurConnectorConfigVar database table.
Turing Server Credentials Interface.
Class that can be used to bootstrap and launch JDBC Import Tool
The persistent class for the turDevToken database table.
The persistent class for the TurGroup database table.
The persistent class for the TurIntegrationInstance database table.
The persistent class for the TurLLMInstance database table.
The persistent class for the TurLLMVendor database table.
The persistent class for the TurLocale database table.
The persistent class for the TurRole database table.
The persistent class for the TurSEInstance database table.
More Like This feature of Solr.
More Like This feature of Solr.
The persistent class for the TurSEVendor database table.
Auto Complete Query Builder
Create a query and specify between dates.
Sample code to use this SDK.
Client Utils
Return the correct text of Turing ES response.
Did You Mean Text Class.
Get Info about a document result.
List of Document result.
Group result.
List of Group result.
Class with apiURL and method to return query parameters.
Job Action Types.
Job to index and deIndex in Turing ES.
List of jobs to index and deIndex in Turing ES.
Turing Semantic Navigation Utilities.
Locale of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Class to interact with current pagination.
Pagination of results of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response with friendly attributes.
Configure the query that will send to Turing ES.
Sorting types.
HashMap class for query parameters.
The persistent class for the turSNRankingExpression database table.
The persistent class for the turSNRankingExpression database table.
Request latest searches to Turing ES
Connect to Turing ES Server.
The persistent class for the TurSNSite database table.
The persistent class for the vigServices database table.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteFieldExt database table.
The persistent class for the TurSNSiteFieldExtFacet database table.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteLocale database table.
Locale of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteMerge database table.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteMergeField database table.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteMetric database table.
Post Parameters for Search with sensitive data
Default Fields of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Documents of results of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Metadata of document with relation with facets of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Facet Item of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Label of Facet with diferent locales of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
List of documents with results by group of query of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Pagination of results of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Return details about Turing ES response query.
Details about the request query string of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
List of documents with results of query of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Details about facets and facet and "more like this" of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Spell Check of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
Spell Check Text of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteSpotlight database table.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteSpotlightDocument database table.
List of spotlight documents of Turing ES Semantic Navigation response.
The persistent class for the turSNSiteSpotlightDocument database table.
Specify and retrieve Turing ES sort.
The persistent class for the TurSNSite database table.
Spotlight Document.
The SuggestionAutomaton class represents a finite state machine used to validate suggestions.
The SuggestionFilter class is responsible for filtering a list of suggestions based on a specified strategy and a list of stop words.
The persistent class for the TurStoreInstance database table.
The persistent class for the TurStoreVendor database table.
The persistent class for the TurUser database table.
Turing Server Credentials.
The persistent class for the TurWCConfigVar database table.